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common questions

What is Baggage?


As humans we experience a variety of emotions every day and with every situation. Sometimes we hold onto negative emotions or limiting beliefs from certain events and continue to be triggered by similar situations. Each time we hold onto it that creates "baggage". An emotional trigger we carry around with us. 



What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study of how your mind works and how to communicate effectively with it. 



What is the Conscious and Unconcious mind?


The conscious mind contains all of the thoughts, memories and feelings we are aware at any given moment. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally.  The unconscious mind holds the automatic beliefs including thought processes, memories, interests and motivations that we are unaware of.



What is a negative emotion?


A negative emotion is an undesirable emotion that we hold onto longer than necessary. Common negative emotions are Anger, Fear, Sadness, Hurt, Guilt and Shame.



What is a limiting belief?


A limiting belief is a belief that limits your ability to show up in the world to live the life you want. 

"I could never start my own business." 

"I can't lose weight." 

"All the good ones are taken." 


What is Release Work?


Release work is a combination of MER, NLP, and energy work to dig up and remove the baggage of negative emotions, limiting beliefs and limiting decisions from your neurology and body. 


What is Mental Emotional Release (MER)?

Mental and Emotional Release® is a clinically researched approach to help you release stress, anxiety, fear and other negative emotions. MER can be used to overcome common struggles such as procrastination, depression and phobias.

What is Huna?

Huna is an extensive study and practice of ancient Hawaiian energy with permission through the 28 generation lineage of the Bray Family. It allows us to help you energetically connect physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to be the most empowered person you can be.



What is a Breakthrough Session?


This intense session digs up unconscious issues that are holding you back and creating problems in all areas of your life. We replace limiting beliefs and negative emotions with empowered beliefs and behaviors that shift your neurology for effective, powerful ongoing transformation. Be prepared to feel energized, inspired and ready to begin living a life you love after you release the baggage you've held onto throughout your lifetime.



What is an SOS Session?


If a traumatic event happens that you need help processing, we will do our best to work with you asap to move through it so you can be free of carrying baggage with you. 



What is a Decision Maker Session?


Not sure how to move forward one way or the other? Using NLP techniques we will help you unlock what your intuition is guiding you towards to give you peace of mind and congruency in picking a path forward.



What is a Ho’oKu’u Session?


An energy session releasing common negative emotions and limiting beliefs.



What is Coaching?


Weekly calls to help you build momentum in success and follow your plan.

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